Seriously, I found that (well, the proper 'jiggy' version) and a few other Will Smith...uh...'hits' on a compliation CD at home. I may or may not have snapped it in half.
Lately I've been struggling a bit with motivation to blog. But then, I don't know why I'm viewing it as this big problem. I mean, this blog is purely for me - it doesn't earn an income and it's not my job, so why stress?
Maybe because I'm one of those people that, when I start something, I feel like I've failed in a part of my life if I don't complete it. But a blog is never ending - there is no confirmed end point. I'm thinking a 'how long is a piece of string' type metaphor, here.
But while I might not have a lot to say, I do want to keep contributing here - for my own sake, to prove that I don't have to write a small novel every day to feel like I've accomplished something, that's just for me.
And as a result I have decided to take on Chantelle @ Fat Mum Slim's February Photo A Day Challenge.