Sometimes I need a filter between my brain and my mouth.
This is not the way to get one.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

3 Words Can Change The World...

It's amazing the power of words. They can move us in so many ways, and it's extraordinary.

I often wonder that words have so much power in our world, and yet we forget just how powerful they can be.

Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King and Shakespeare knew the power of words. They used words the best way they knew how and changed the world, even if they didn't realise it at the time.

September 15 is your chance to use words to change the world. You don't have to abolish slavery or write a sonnet that will be treasured throughout history. All you have to do is ask one small question. You may just be the catalyst for someone's life to take a different path.

You may already know something's not right. You may not. The point is, it doesn't matter what you do or don't already know - it's about what 3 words might bring into the open.

You only need to listen. There's no obligation to solve the problem. Those 3 words from you are simply to start a conversation. A simple chat to let someone know you care and that help is nearby.

Take it from me - as someone who has a tendancy to bottle things up - those 3 small words have given me a light during the darkest moments in my mind.

So on 15 September open your heart and your ears and ask someone 'R U OK?'. You never know just how powerful words can be...until they change a life.


For more information on R U OK? Day visit

For immdiate help call LifeLine on 13 11 14 or the Suicide CallBack Service on 1300 659 467

Helplines & Information

SANE Australia Helpline: Mental Health information, weekdays 9am-5pm: 1800 187 263

headspace: Mental Health Services and Support for young people 12-25 years

beyondblue Info Line: Information about depression, anxiety and related disorders: 1300 224 636

Black Dog Institute: Information about depression and bipolar disorder

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