Sometimes I need a filter between my brain and my mouth.
This is not the way to get one.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

There's nothin' like a fine gentleman...

Righto! It seems that Melbourne Mumma and The Muffin Monster Bubbalug Blog have introduced something totally magnificent.

A chance to swoon and daydream of men...very hot men...

Top 5 Hotties according to me!

I begin my presentation today with Exhibit A:

Thank you Twilight Fan Club!
Oh, there's nothing like a Vampiric Southern Gentleman to sweep you off your feet, carry you away and ravage you....sigh...and the best thing is, he is of an age that I can drool over him and not feel dirty and inappropriate *coughTaylorLautnercough*

Exhibit B:

Cheers Google!
Of course, if a Southern gentleman isn't available, an English gentleman will do just as well. Oh Mr Darcy...

Presenting Exhibit C:

Because who needs a gentleman when you can have this sex on legs in your room dressed as the hottest pirate ever!?

Exhibit D:

Only Johnathan could make the idea of King Henry VIII hot...but who could say no to those snooze, you lose!

And finally, Exhibit E:

Oh Craig played an Elf in Lord of the Rings (Haldir) and played a Lord in Legend of the Seeker. Long hair never appealed to me, on a guy, until I spied you...with your bow and arrow ready to slaughter some Orcs to help claim back Middle Earth. You are just so truly yummy...

So there you have them, people, my top 5 hotties. They're not in any particular order...if any of them came to the front door I'd be hard pressed to stop myself from ripping off their clothing (much to the Guru's disgust).

So tell me, do you agree? Why or why not? And for the hell of it, start your own top 5 hottie list and join the rest of us in assisting the sea levels rise across the world by melting some more snow caps.



  1. But wait, is that the King that killed all of his wives? (Does a Google). Oh dear, it is. Now I feel all conflicted.

  2. Well, someone must have just turned up the central heating in my office cos it just got really hot in here! Thanks for the spark to start my morning :)
    I think I may have to go a bit of Googling (hehe that sounded dirty) of my own and create my own lists!

  3. Hey you cheated us! Where's number 5! I want more! LOL

  4. haha there it is! That guy from twilight I did not like in the first movies, but in the most recent one that showed his character I quite rather enjoyed watching him :)

  5. replace the first one with Harry Kewell and you have got yoruself a deal!
    Mrs Woog
    PS Still laughing over your comment on my blog today.....


Thanks for the comment - it helps validate the fact that I'm not just talking to myself.

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