Sometimes I need a filter between my brain and my mouth.
This is not the way to get one.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Dear Robbers: You Suck!

**I would like to apologise now for the level of profanity in this post. The day I get my hands on the shits who did this, I will be sure to invoke my rage upon them, and not blog it.**

As the title would indicate, we were robbed this week.  Yep, that's right.  Robbed.  Swindled.  Pillaged.

If it wasn't bolted down, they flogged it. The fuckers.

The list of what's gone is too long, but let's just say that the material side can be sorted out.  The sentimental value of some special items, however, is something that those assholes have taken and insurance can't replace.

The necklace that my grandmother gave me before she died, that her mother got for her 21st, that my grandmother got for her 21st and then passed it on to me when I turned 21. Made in the early 1900's and gifted to me in the ivory stud box that belonged to my great-grandfather, none of it can be replaced.

Least of all the heritage and value in my heart.

The necklace and earrings that belonged to my other grandmother, made in singapore, they are real, miniature orchids dipped in gold.

She loved them and, when my grandfather gave them to me after my grandmother died, it was a very special moment I'll never forget.

And while these complete and total dickwads can't take the memories, it's the thought of those worthless, miserable, fuckwit's having their filthy hands on something that represents so much love and history in our family.

Those items would have been passed on to our daughter on her 21st birthday. But those fuckers have taken that from us too.

I just can't believe it's gone. That there are pricks in the world that do this kind of shit.

It's all gone.

The jewellry that the Guru gave me for our first Christmas together. The necklace and earrings I wore on our wedding day that were a gift from my parents, and the Pandora bracelet with the charms the Guru gave me as a wedding gift, which also included charms from when the Toddler was born.

The video camera that had the only copy of footage from our wedding, which was our first dance. Trust me, I'm kicking myself that in 3 years I didn't find the time to take the movie from the camera and save it somewhere safe.

I'm so pissed. At them. At myself.

Because I thought I was clever putting all my important items of jewellry together, in a box that was hidden in a drawer I thought no one would look in.  I had another jewellry box in plain sight that I thought robbers would take and be done with.

And they could have it - there wasn't anything important in it.

It all pisses me off so much.  The Guru is blaming himself - he feels like he's failed the Toddler and I in not protecting us better.  But that's not something that even entered my head!  At the end of the day, they wanted to get in and pinch stuff. So they did.

No amount of anything would have stopped them.

In fact the only solution I can think of is to get a BIG dog with BIG teeth, and install an electric fence.

20,000 volts should do it.

I keep drifting between rage and sadness. Between acceptance and disbelief.  Between safe and scared.

I hate that they've made me feel nervous - IN OUR OWN HOME. How dare they! Who the fuck do they think they are!?

Are you so fucking useless you can't get a job? Can't earn money honestly? Because my husband and I, do. We go to work every day and earn every cent. Our taxes probably pay for the dole money that keeps you going between robberies.

We worked hard to buy a home. To fill it with love and safety and comfort.

We did not do it all just so you could come in and fuck off with it.

How DARE you come into OUR home and act like you own the place. How DARE you come into OUR home and poison the atmosphere with your fucking useless presence.

But we won't let you win. Oh no - you might feel like you've got the upper hand now, but trust me. It will all catch up with you.

And when it does, I hope I'm there to see it.


  1. Kel, you poor thing. That's absolutely rotten. I can't imagine how angry and resentful you must feel. You're right, the people who do this kind of thing are absolute bastards, there's no doubt about it. Who could justify breaking into someone's home, their sanctuary, and stealing their possessions. Grrrr. I hope you can get back as much as possible through insurance, though I know that you can never replace the special items that have been taken from you. Sending you good thoughts...

  2. Oh this sucks SO MUCH!!! Not just the stuff. Not even just the sentimental stuff. But your feeling of safety - they had no right to touch that! Don't let them take that from you. Karma is a funny - trust in that.
    I hope you find your peace in your own home again very soon...

  3. Arseholes! God I hate hearing about stuff like this. Especially when the really important stuff gets taken. They just have no idea what they cause the selfish little bastards! I'm so sorry to read this and angry for/with you. Karma had best see to it that they get their just desserts.

  4. OMG those BASTARDS!!!!! Big hugs to you and your family! I can't believe they went looking so hard for your jewellery!!! I thought robberies these days were all about the appliances. Just absolute crap for you and your family. CRAP!

  5. Thats horrid! i couldn't imagine how you feel after that happening.
    glad your family are safe and well though.
    i hope you end up finding something that you can begin to pass down through your family

  6. Oh that's so awful! My thoughts are with you, what a freaking nightmare to deal with. That feeling of someone having been in your home and all those precious, sentimental items. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. Big Hugs.
    Maybe start trawling the pawnshop and trading post for some items? I've heard of some success with that?

  7. I am just hoping that such special things will be easy to spot in the local pawn shops. Believe me, look for them, go there and see, those orchid ear rings are not standard. Ask around. It may not come to anything, but worth a try.

    Being robbed is foul, the feeling is hard to explain.

  8. this is absolutely awful you are in my thoughts :(

    shel xx

  9. I am sorry for your loss, but on the dog front, I have 2 large dogs who are both pensioners now. I have lived in Darwin in suburbs like Stuart Park, Anula and even Moulden (during its darkest days as a suburb) in Palmerston with these dogs. I also lived in various suburbs in Brisbane and rural areas about the place with them and not once have I been broken into. They have never bitten any other creature, the cat has them thoroughly whipped, and they have never given any visitors grief when we are at home (nor has anyone ever complained about them when we weren't home).

    In the 11 years I have had these dogs they have been excited to see me every single day I have come home from work, never complained if I forgot to feed them due to overindulgence in Friday night drinks, and always given me absolute affection and respect.

    Now I know I have been lucky in accidentally stumbling across 2 very different but perfectly matched dogs, but, with minimal effort, they have provided an amazing reward. Large dogs are not for everyone, but I believe even a small dog will do wonders for your security at home, particularly when you aren't there. Just make sure when it barks, it barks for a reason, and a little bit of money spent on obedience classes goes a long way in achieving that.

  10. Oh, Kel! I felt so sad for you and your family after reading your blog, that I had to say how sorry I am for your losses... The lovely picture you just painted about your extended family demonstrates the emotion held within your precious jewellery, something that I feel every time I see a unique piece. Karma will surely pass that loss on to the thieves some time in thier lives. Hugs to you and your loved ones xxx

  11. Oh Kel,
    I don't even have words that seem enough for you right now. I can't imagine how awful that would be.
    If there is anything I can do, please let me know.
    I hope those bastards get what's coming to them... in the form of the Bear Cat car. Running over them many, many times.
    A million hugs for you and your family. xox

  12. Oh Kel,
    I don't even have words that seem enough for you right now. I can't imagine how awful that would be.
    If there is anything I can do, please let me know.
    I hope those bastards get what's coming to them... in the form of the Bear Cat car. Running over them many, many times.
    A million hugs for you and your family. xox

  13. Kel, you poor thing. That's absolutely rotten. I can't imagine how angry and resentful you must feel. You're right, the people who do this kind of thing are absolute bastards, there's no doubt about it. Who could justify breaking into someone's home, their sanctuary, and stealing their possessions. Grrrr. I hope you can get back as much as possible through insurance, though I know that you can never replace the special items that have been taken from you. Sending you good thoughts...

  14. I am just hoping that such special things will be easy to spot in the local pawn shops. Believe me, look for them, go there and see, those orchid ear rings are not standard. Ask around. It may not come to anything, but worth a try.

    Being robbed is foul, the feeling is hard to explain.


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