I'm scheduling this post for today as our home officially becomes a construction zone, rather than just a destruction zone. It'll make a nice change for walls to go up.
I keep looking around the house and seeing eight million things that I want to tidy or throw out or put into storage. And then there are the eight million things in our store room that I want to bring upstairs and start sorting for the new little miss, due to make an appearance in 13 weeks time.
I'm really excited to go through Miss 3's baby clothes as there were a few things that she only wore once or twice before it had to shift out of rotation - I'm happy to think they'll have a second life :) But, of course, that won't stop me from shopping up a storm! It was terrible when Miss 3 was born, so with 2 girls to dress I'll have to work very hard on my self control...maybe...
And speaking of Miss 3, by some miracle I was able to sort through her toybox without her really noticing. I take the fact that she hasn't mentioned a single item missing means they were long gone from the repertoire of play.
My next mission is to go through her play kitchen and all the materials associated with such.
That may be a tad more stressful than discreetly addressing the toybox, but we'll see how we go.
I have to say, having another girl has thrilled me to bits. The Man too. The only trouble now is agreeing on a name. The Man has latched on to a name that is so left of field I'm not even sure where to go with it! Needless to say I think it's an 'interesting' choice - but I'm not able to provide a counter proposal as I can't make a decision on anything!
Chances are the maternity staff will be writing 'Baby + Surname' on all the paperwork.
But a name is just number 1 on the list of things to decide. I'm still not sure on the colour for the room - I'm not sure about going pink again, I'd like something different for this baby. I love the yellow and grey nursery's I've seen on the internet but I'm not sure about the practicality of it and how fast it will age.
I also have to find a set of drawers for the baby's room, that won't cost $600 plus! I'm trying to find a raw pine set that I can paint white myself, as that's how I recycled the pine tall boy in our bedroom. With new handles and all painted up it looks fantastic, so I'm more than happy to do the same again.
And then there's the horrifying task of sorting through The Man's computer crap. Well, I call it crap. He calls it...some word I can't remember. But the endless computer parts, cables, funny board things and whatnot have to be addressed. If it was up to me I'd throw it all away - but I think that would probably kill him. So in the spirit of life preservation I will simply be pestering him for however long it takes for the crap to disappear.
It could be a very long life. Or a very short one.
But overall, while the men are constructing, I plan to be out of the house doing some shopping for my Hug-A-Bub, the chest of drawers, a baby record book and some girly stuff that I'll not be able to resist bringing home with me.
It's going to be a good day...