Sometimes I need a filter between my brain and my mouth.
This is not the way to get one.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

It's all a secret plot...

So, driving to work yesterday morning I hear on the radio that apparently Sesame Street has a secret.

Sesame Street is brainwashing the world!

But Sesame Street is not alone. Oh no, Friends, Oprah and even Macgyver are all in on the plot. Apparently, author Ben Shapiro believes that TV shows are being used to brainwash people, specifically American's, into a left-wing society.

To be honest, when I read this article all I saw initially was that his theory is called 'The Big Bird Manifesto' and he thinks people are being dragged into a left-wing society.

Get it?

Big Bird...left wing...

Well, I laughed.  Ahem.

But to be honest, I sort of felt like this guy has the wheel spinning but the hamster is dead. Sorry Mr Shapiro.

I mean, Sesame Street teaches civil disobedience? Really? Unless Big Bird is strutting around in an army uniform with a grenade launcher on his shoulder, I'm not quite sure I see where you're coming from.

Oprah - yeah, okay, she is a bit brainwash-y. But I'm not an Oprah fan. Anyone who can repeatedly invite Tom Cruise back to her show and not vomit, is not normal. But her reign of Tom Cruise Terror is over, so we can all move on.

As for Macgyver - holy cow dude, the show has been off the air for HOW LONG? And if anyone is sitting at home, craving a Macgyver re-run, well they've got bigger problems than Macgyver teaching them that 'gun's are bad, mmkay?'  Besides, Macgyver doesn't need a gun because he can make his own out of blu-tac, some tin foil and his own pubic hair.

Chances are I'm a bit simple, and I just don't have the brain power to really look into what Mr Shapiro is talking about. And maybe people like me are part of the problem - we're happy to laugh it off and continue to be brainwashed.

I'm okay - everyone in our street was out last night with beating sticks and banners wanting to 'take down the man' but we all rememberd that guns are bad, and so we left them at home. It wasn't just me, so obviously I'm not brainwashed.

I confess that there are some shows that make me do/buy/want things I wouldn't normally consider. But I put it down to glamourising it all - which is exactly the point of a television show, no?

For me, my top 5 brainwashing shows are:

MasterChef - Inspired: I want to go out and buy all the fresh ingredients I can find and bring it home and cook it. I want to go out and buy a new oven, a new fridge, new pots and pans. Hell, I want to renovate my kitchen right then and there! I feel like I could be the next Poh Ling Yeow... Uninspired: The reality is we don't have hoardes of helpers in the background that will clean up all the mess, make it all shiny and ready for another sudden death challenge in the kitchen. And I also don't have their skill, passion or creativity with food, so it's only going to end in tears. Mine.

Paranormal State - Inspired: Suddenly I want to move to the US and hunt ghosts. Awesome. Uninspired: I'd spend all my time wanting to cry and run away to my Mum.

Renovation/Decorating shows - Inspired: I want to become an interior designer. It's all so much fun - the shopping, the putting stuff in rooms and the stepping back and admiring your handiwork. Uninspired: I'll have to get back to you...

Sex and the City - Inspired: I have an intense and sudden desire to buy shoes. And impractical clothing. And lots of it. Uninspired: Yeah, I don't have the budget, body or confidence to be tackling the shoes or the clothes. And the bit where Carrie says that she bought a copy of Vogue rather than dinner because she felt it fed her more, well, sorry babe, I'd have bought a steak.

From Here To Maternity - Inspired: I want another baby, and I want one NOW! Uninspired: Well, conception is a very specific thing, not always in line with my sudden 'baby surges' and no matter how much those shows make my uterus ache, it'll happen when it happens. Nature sucks. But that doesn't mean we stop trying!

So tell me, what shows are brainwashing you into a completely different life? What stops you? What made it happen for you?


  1. OMG, I love this post (even though I'm an Oprah-lover!). So funny! I love your quote about McGyver...

  2. Hahaha, funny post. Am not an Oprah fan either. And surely all MacGyver inspired was a decade of awful hair.
    I'm not much of a TV watcher so there's not a lot of inspiration going on there. Though I do love Abby from NCIS. I work in a lab these days too, but sadly it severely lacks in excitement levels compared to hers.

  3. Oh, Grand Designs makes me want to hire an impossibly expensive British architect to demolish my tiny butter-box and turn it into a sprawling interior designers dream.

    I tried to be inspired by the biggest loser once, but the brownies one out.

    Visiting from FYBF

  4. Play School brainwashes me in to creating things from toilet roll holders. But that's a good thing, right?

  5. had to LOL at your carrie quote...I would have gone the steak too :p

    and i totally agree with the masterchef one! i so wish i had the drive and creativity to cook like them...because i love food!

  6. Play School brainwashes me in to creating things from toilet roll holders. But that's a good thing, right?

  7. Hahaha, funny post. Am not an Oprah fan either. And surely all MacGyver inspired was a decade of awful hair.
    I'm not much of a TV watcher so there's not a lot of inspiration going on there. Though I do love Abby from NCIS. I work in a lab these days too, but sadly it severely lacks in excitement levels compared to hers.


Thanks for the comment - it helps validate the fact that I'm not just talking to myself.

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