Sometimes I need a filter between my brain and my mouth.
This is not the way to get one.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Polly Dolly: Teenage Angst

Teenage Angst

Ah, the teenage years. Awkward, seemingly endless and, at times, completely blissful.  I wasn't part of the 'popular' group, I was a part of the 'normal' group. You know, the group of kids that weren't picked on, but weren't acknowledged either.

It was a good place, and I was happy. I can only hope the Toddler has the same luck in highschool.

Aside from the fact that I attended a private school, and therefore had to wear a uniform (the public school in town referred to us all as 'Ribena Berries' - awesome self esteem booster, right there.) which, while annoying, was kind of awesome becasue there was no desperate competition between anyone of who had the better clothing. It took away an element of superiority from those who's parents had money - it levelled out the playing field.

But outside school, we were allowed to wear whatever we wanted. And on 'casual days'. A 'casual day'was always on a Friday and they were used as a way to raise money for charity by all of us having to pay for the priviledge. Which, of course, we did.

Circa 2001 the above was my staple outfit. Jeans that made my legs look longer and my butt look smaller, shoes that made me look taller (and I am ashamed to admit that I may have worn these same shoes on a hiking camp at school. Style was more important to me than practicality or possibly breaking an ankle on top of a mountain - oh, vanity, thy name is Kel!) and a dark top because dark colours are good for 'chunky girls'. I so wasn't chunky - but try telling that to any teenage girl.

The satchel was all about looking grown up, and besides, satchels were so 'uni' style, and of course we were all going to uni to study medicine (gag).

I had my favourite red coat that I wore at every opportunity, in conjunction with a striped scarfe and every Maybelline makeup product I could get my hands on to improve my look. This included, but was not limited to, concealer (which I had NO idea how to use properly), foundation (ditto), mascara, eyeliner, lipgloss (flavoured and/or scented) and bronzer (for the summer).

I didn't apply it with a trowel, but if I had, it might have improved the outcome.  It took me a long time to learn that less is more, rather than more is AWESOME!

My watch was a gift from my parents for my 17th birthday and I wore it all the time. It was as essential to my being as was my mobile phone, which kept me in the loop about who's turn it weas to have people over so we could be 'cool' and drink West Coast Coolers while listening to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers latest album and sit around outside with a small fire going and loads of laughter.

I have to admit, some of my best memories of school are actually the get togethers we had - outside around fires during winter, and down the beach in the summer. I look back on it all with rose coloured glasses, no doubt, but sometimes when I smell the salt from the sea, freshly cut grass drying in the sunshine, or feel a cool breeze that makes me want to snuggle under a blanket in the evening, I remember being young and happy and carefree.

And I think that's how it should be.

Long sleeve knit top
$17 -

Planet cotton coat
99 GBP -

Oasis mid rise jeans
45 GBP -

Prada suede platform pumps
$664 -

Locking bag
30 GBP -

Michael Kors striped scarve
$395 -


  1. aaah the "good old days"...we all seem to see them through rose coloured glasses (for the most part) :)

  2. You and i graduated the same year - but i gotta say, you were waaaaaaaay more stylish than me! One thing we do have in common? West Coast Coolers...

  3. I totally forgot about a phone! My phone definitely wasn't as swanky as that one though!

    Still so fashionable even in high school!

  4. I love the coat, I want to steal it.... we didnt have phones at school I got mine in year 11 but it stayed at home as it was only used for emergencies. I think I was on a $10 prepaid plan.

  5. How stylish were you in high school? I love the red coat and scarf! My best friend in high school got an analogue mobile phone towards the end of year 12. No one else had them. It stayed in her school bag all day because she was so embarrassed and didn't want to get it out!

  6. I love the coat, I want to steal it.... we didnt have phones at school I got mine in year 11 but it stayed at home as it was only used for emergencies. I think I was on a $10 prepaid plan.

  7. I totally forgot about a phone! My phone definitely wasn't as swanky as that one though!

    Still so fashionable even in high school!


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