Sometimes I need a filter between my brain and my mouth.
This is not the way to get one.

Friday, 8 July 2011

Acceptance and a Friday Fluff

Is it just me, or do other people think Stan Walker sounds EXACTLY like Anastasia when he signs his song 'Loud'?  Every time it comes on the radio, all I can think is that Anastasia is really trying to make a come back. And then I remember the truth. And I wonder, does that mean Stan Walker sounds like a chick, or does Anastasia sound like a dude?


I went to work on Monday and then proceeded to spend 2 days on the couch, when I wasn't being hauled around to the GP or being ultrasounded and told to fill my, not that much...okay, drink some more, you let out too much....okay, can you let out 150ml?

Sure - would you also like me to fart the theme song to 'The Block'? Because I can - I've watched many, many episodes in the last 48hrs.

Please don't misinterpret my attitude. I'm still very hurt by what's happened - we both are - but if we don't keep moving forward, and if I let the black dog get a grip on this then I'll start going backwards. And I don't want that.

So after day dreaming about administering Chinese water torture on the ultrasound people and being able to get back to my comfy space on the couch, I dove into the world of reality TV and renovating.

But after a couple of episiodes, I found myself getting annoyed. Really annoyed. So annoyed, that I realised I was chewing something crunchy...and I was eating chocolate. Sadly, it seems that my annoyance with the universe denying us the large scale reno's and also denying us an addition to our family meant I started grinding my teeth.

And I have officially ground off a huge chunk from one of my two front teeth.

At this point, I'd like to dare you all to Google 'broken tooth'. Go on, I'll wait...



IS THAT DISTURBING OR WHAT?? Excuse me while I brush my teeth - and gargle with bleach.

I think it was right around the time I was examining the remains of my half eaten tooth that I decided a few things.

A) I was getting an appointment at the dentist ASAP...and he better have the happy gas and a new set of teeth ready and waiting.

B) Screw huge, expensive reno's. If we're gonna spend that kind of dosh, we should just build a brand new house and save a few bucks.

C) This house is a bit shite, so instead of doing a huge build, we'll work with what we have and make it a kick arse place that's on the smaller side.

D) We're starting with the bathroom, and something along these lines would work well:

 With a few (read: lots) of tweaks our bathroom could be stellar. Am I the only one who dreams of having a freestanding tub? Probably...I always like to think of myself as a Jane Austen heroine.

Oh, Mr Darcy!


So on with the Friday Fluff!!

This one actually happened a week ago - I was standing in the hallway sobbing. The Toddler ran up to me, very sympathetic expression and gave me a cuddle and a kiss. She then asked to be put down because "I going to watch Chicken Little, Mummy. You stay and cry by yourself, now."

Apparently I had used up my sympathy allocation for the week.

Children really do remind you that life goes on, don't they?

Have a fab weekend, if anyone needs me I'll be in my freestanding tub with Colin Mr Darcy.




  1. I always wanted to gouge eyes when they said 'just let a little bit out.'

  2. Kids somehow quite often seem to know exactly what to say.

  3. omg girl hopefully the dentist can fix your tooth! give yourself time to grieve aswell girl, you can move on without denying what happened. my thoughts are with your family xx

  4. omg girl hopefully the dentist can fix your tooth! give yourself time to grieve aswell girl, you can move on without denying what happened. my thoughts are with your family xx

  5. Kids somehow quite often seem to know exactly what to say.


Thanks for the comment - it helps validate the fact that I'm not just talking to myself.

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