I love taking the Toddler to the park. And I can only hope that one day I'll look this good being there! Because then, the spandex wearing, vitamin water guzzling, judgmental glancing witches who bring their spawn to the park could shove their opionions up their vodka and diet pill maintained backsides!
Ahem - anyway, the park for us is all about picnics, colouring books, me getting a chance to read something that doesn't have characters named Charlie or Lola and hogging the swings because that's just how we roll.
I love wearing dresses (although I don't get to do it much) and the leggings just make the outfit more 'play friendly' as I won't be worried about flashing my knickers to the world as I play chasey or play on swings with the Toddler. Flats are easy to slip on and off - we go barefoot in the cool, soft grass.
The big bag contains all our 'stuff' while the picnic basket holds our stash of fruit, cupcakes and drinks.
The park is so much fun - and it's nice to look pretty...even when you're rolling down grassy hills with your little girl.

Playing along with Danimezza's Polly Dolly Challenge