This is how I wish I looked when I was tootling round with my stroller. The truth was far from this - in fact, after the Toddler was born I don't know that I would have had the brain power available to even consider perfume!
That said, once the shock wore off and I managed to get 2 hours of sleep together, I was able to leave the house and not look like a crazed bag lady who'd stolen a baby. I didn't look this awesome, but I didn't look any different to the 50 other Mum's I encountered wandering aimlessly through shops.
Sure, I'd forgotten what it was I needed from the shop, and that led to plenty of impulse buying in the hopes that, when I did get home, one of the items would be what I was actually supposed to get.
It rarely worked out.
Who knows, next time around I might manage a look close to this? Or, at the very least, remember what it is I'm looking for.
That said, once the shock wore off and I managed to get 2 hours of sleep together, I was able to leave the house and not look like a crazed bag lady who'd stolen a baby. I didn't look this awesome, but I didn't look any different to the 50 other Mum's I encountered wandering aimlessly through shops.
Sure, I'd forgotten what it was I needed from the shop, and that led to plenty of impulse buying in the hopes that, when I did get home, one of the items would be what I was actually supposed to get.
It rarely worked out.
Who knows, next time around I might manage a look close to this? Or, at the very least, remember what it is I'm looking for.