Sometimes I need a filter between my brain and my mouth.
This is not the way to get one.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

10 Reasons I Know my Husband Feels Guilty...

  1. He's been getting home from work before 6pm.
  2. He's been getting home from work before 6pm, and has spent time with me and Miss 3 rather than his computer.
  3. He's come to bed every night this week at a reasonable hour just to spend time with me.
  4. He's come to bed every night this week at a reasonable hour just to spend time with me, and has not expected sex.
  5. He has helped me dress Miss 3 in the morning, without resorting to excuses why he can't spare the 5 minutes.
  6. He didn't complain that dinner last night was a strawberry jam sandwich. That he had to make himself.
  7. He hasn't forgotten to put out the rubbish bin all week.
  8. He hasn't left the car low on fuel, for me to discover as I drive past the last fuel station for the next 3,000km's.
  9. He let me eat the last of the Twisties.
  10. He voluntarily moved out the old bedside tables for new ones, helped me make the bed and then sat with me while I watched My Kitchen Rules and yelled at the TV like a looney.

As soon as I get my massage on Saturday, I'll totally stop milking it. Maybe.

How do you know when your other half is feeling the crippling weight of guilt? And the biggest questions of all - do you milk it?

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