Sometimes I need a filter between my brain and my mouth.
This is not the way to get one.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Days Two through Five

Saturday 23 April

Today was so exciting that three days later I can't actually remember what we did. Wait - I think we might have...gone...somewhere...for food.


Sunday 24 April

So today is Easter Egg day. Well, I won't deny that I postponed the egg-stravaganza until as late in the day as possible. How, you ask? By spring cleaning. And I mean right down to scrubbing the walls with sugar soap, dragging everything into the laundry that I could possibly fit into the washing machine and if it wasn't nailed down it was shoved aside for vacuuming and mopping.

A full day of this and I wasn't even 50% finished. Our house isn't that big - I'm just in anal-retentive mode.

We then proceeded to my parents house for dinner and an Easter egg hunt. It was a hit and I was stunned by the lack of chocolate-want-but-can't-have tantrums.

The Guru found time in his busy schedule of relaxation and stupid, boring, boy activities to say hello via Skype. He mentioned a lot of things but the one thing that really sticks in my mind is that he's had a massage one or twice a day, every day since he got there.

Insert sobbing here.

We got home and passed out. Yay for sleep. It's the closest thing I'll get to a massage around here.

Monday 25 April

Spent the morning doing some more cleaning. I found that scrubbing things, very hard, made me feel better. Less rage-y about the lack of Balinese massage therapists in my house.

Then, after a marathon nap for the Toddler (3 and a half hours!) it was time for her play date. We went to our friends house and swam in the pool, made the most of the pool slide, played on their bouncy castle/ball pit thing, played some snooker and even went as far as attempting some SingStar.

I'm ashamed to say that when The Cardigans, Nickelback and Natalie Imbruglia came on I was in my element. It brought back many memories of singing into hairbrushes.

After a fab dinner of pork belly with crackling that the neighbours could hear you chewing on and all the SingStar we decided to head home. Our children had long since passed into the world of sleep. And we got home around 1am.

Seriously, it's the latest night I've had since I found out I was pregnant. That wasn't home based or baby related.

Today, Tuesday 26 April

More cleaning. Yeah, I'm so not done. It's hard - once you start doing something properly it's really disappointing to do a half arsed finish. Especially when you know you'll most likely have to clean it again in five minutes because your child and/or pet will have destroyed your efforts.

I did some more washing. I think my washing machine will be going on strike shortly. The TV in our bedroom has died. It made some scary noises and then smoke and sparks started in the back.

I initially thought it might have been an extreme protest to having to play In The Night Garden. For the eight hundredth time.

But no, it did the same when I tried to play something worthwhile. I toyed with the idea of contacting the Guru to tell him that one of his treasured technological items has bitten the dust. But I decided against it for fear of having to hear more about massages. I knew it would only make make me get stabby.

So, instead - I stood in my loungeroom and looked around. As a result I was very unhappy with the view and so I am taking it upon myself to completely change it while the Guru is away and not here to whinge.

This does mean making a slight change in the TV department - specifically, taking it off the wall and relocating it. This could cause may tears from the Guru as, when he hung it on the wall for the first time, he almost fell to his knees at his newly created altar of viewing pleasure.

With our not exactly wonderful room shape (an L shaped area) that needs to incorporate our lounge area, dining area and some play space for the Toddler, I was in a bit of a pickle as to the floor plan.

This is our living/dining area - our front door is at the top of the wall directly behind the couch. The white empty space at the bottom is where our kitchen is and we have 2 doors exactly as indicated on the lower part of the diagram.

After some thinking and some Googling I think I've found a solution, and it'll look something like this:

Obviously this is just to give you an idea, I'll have to 'flip' this pic to adapt it to our place...I'm hoping it'll work!
 I've most likely set myself a ridiculous task and I'm not even sure if it's do-able. It could be a complete disaster!

But hey, what have I got to lose? Maybe a couple of finger/toenails at worst. Lifting heavy furniture has its risks.

They say a change is as good as a holiday.

I don't know about that just yet - let me get back to you when I'm done.

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